Pierre Cardin founded one of the biggest fashion empires of all ages by combining the past with futurism fancied by the youth. This farsighted, ambitious, exploring and clever man is recognized by authorities today as one of the world renowned five French fashion designers.
Pierre Cardin was born to an immigrant Italian family. Little Pierre, whose family dealt with farming, had bigger dreams. He therefore did not want to be a farmer and at the age of 14 became an apprentice to a famous tailor at Saint-Etienne. The young tailor, who was never tired of working, got a job at a fashion house at La Paix in 1944. He acquired the professional knowledge and experience there which would make him the chief dressmaker of Christian Dior, the indisputably biggest French fashion house of those years.
Pierre Cardin has succeeded to create the most recognized trademark in exactly 140 countries with 900 different product licenses since the '60s. What he achieved was exactly his fancies and he remained devoted only to his decisions. Although he was called an emperor of fashion, he was as modest as to say that the only thing he knew best throughout his life was to draw, cut and sew with his own hands.